According to the latest statistics of Nepal Nepal Telecommunications Authority to accommodate 2 million, 68 million mobile service customers and 34 million clients and Teachers 1 million. In Nepal, the number of data service users in a million 28 million 52 million 83 thousand customers and Internet Service pragoga are to elaborate.
Internet service packs for the first time the concept was brought apprehension. According to the data packs are brought to their requirement packs are able to take.
This service pack is for selecting the data driving the customer can use relatively cheaper Internet service. Data service for selecting the apprehension online library Wikipedia and Twitter to respect freedom of expression has been giving his customers to use free of.
Facebook apprehension pack under the customers can use 12 paisa per MB.
Online video can be viewed on the apprehension that in 2010, 3.6 MB per second until the start of high-speed data service. Nepal was the first time such data speeds. Kathmandu from October 2015 to provide 21 MB pratisekendasammako High-speed Internet service is.
In 2010 the Everest base camp at 5.380 meters at the same apprehension APR service was resumed.
Ask for permission to operate panisarakarasamga apprehension phoraji service according to the company.