Kaski ekavihanai 8 shutdown arrested

Pokhara, Kaski Thursday a court in the morning, to amend Nepal Maoist cadres have been arrested out of 8.

The FLSC cadres arrested and Pokhara are passed over. Lekhanath talacokavata regional coordinator Gokul Parajuli 5 persons have been arrested, including. Gurung of Pokhara prthvicokavata milana 3 persons have been arrested.

One activist was arrested the morning of his 8-M central committee member and Tamuwan charge, Savitri durale information are filed.

Maoists release of arrested activists, journalists and Nepal, including the country haphazardous those demanding action against crime and announced the closing is underway.

5 vajedekhi veluki 5 vajesamma stay amend morning, according to the party. Yesterday at noon today, saying the success of the party amend Nepal Pokhara was maikina. Similarly, the success of today's closing party on Tuesday evening, saying the country has demonstrated torch rallies.

Start the torch rallies prthvicokavata into a corner meeting was vipicokama.

The meeting addressed the central member of the CPN-Maoist arrested across durale worker asked her to leave immediately. A few handfuls of real change has come over the land, saying, brokers and feudalists gain, he accused the parliamentary game is now undergoing.

Kaski Secretary punajita now re-Maoist Regime ubharale through its real oppressed and the poor, vulnerable people and expressed confidence that saving.
Today's target Pokhara amend the court early morning police have been deployed in the courtyard.
Pokhara main square shafts into early morning police were standing in the courtyard are.



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