Generally, people change their eating habits with rice growing Brikutimandap Food Fair has started on Friday. Saturday, the mobile Fair of Food Technology and Quality Control Department has organized.
Traditional, nutritious food products and locals started to promote good eating habits to improve the dinoflagellates Let 'start with the main slogan of the festival, inaugurated by Agriculture Development Minister haribolaprasada Agni.
Modern 'junk food' snacks as well as more drugs in various kinds of diseases, malnutrition, increasing occupancy nimtinuka the Department of nutrients to encourage consumption of nutritious food, and lunch with the objective of the fair was held, said.
Busy and modern way of life, including adults and children to prepare food, hotel and resturamsahita more stressed due to malnutrition for the country has become a great challenge.
Nearly 41 per cent of under-five children who are malnourished state Department said Sanjeev Karna. The event was inaugurated by the Minister of Agriculture to increase the production Agni said he has tried to implement the farmer pension.
"Nutritious food to prevent malnutrition and to be available at the local level, vegetables, vegetables, legumes awareness of the right to use as the watchwords of the observer mahotsavamarphata Minister stressed.
The festival of a different race, tribe, traditional food items 18 stalls, 24 stalls of different organizations and different industries in the information-oriented supply of food items sold reverted to 36 stalls and stalls are a total of 78.