Bahadur Khadka, following the murder of businessman phurumbu District 1 resident to protest the murder of the entrepreneur shocked to mourn and Taplejung of Commerce and Industry said Wednesday Khamdimbe market is closed completely.
On Wednesday morning, a meeting of the Association of Commerce and Industry Professional Khadka mrtyuuma mourning manaunabhandai buudhakara a day off the market Store Association has decided to continue the statement.
The Chamber of Commerce's decision on Wednesday morning, about nine o'clock in the open market shops are closed afterward. Khadka murdered heinous action against the perpetrators of the investigation, said the association in a statement before the process is to increase the local administration.
Phurumbu -1 conducting business from the village Khadka was killed on Monday night in his own house. Tuesday morning found dead curtains Khadka cause of death is still unknown, and in the afternoon, a police team came to the scene of the murder was revealed only after observing the condition of the bodies. Khadka of District Police Office, Taplejung, neck and other body parts have been attacked with a sharp weapon and niladamaharu was also hurt.
Since Wednesday morning, the District Hospital Khadka sub-mortem and handed over to the District Police Office, Police Inspector sailendrakuumara Yadav said. DSP Yadav investigation into the incident is underway and work is currently underway to understand details of the telephone call said. Since the early post-mortem report, resulting in a different part of the body with a sharp weapon shots Khadka died due to high bleeding tells shown.