The last time the social network is having a photo is too bhairala. A rickshaw driver, the traffic police javanale hikaumdai kicks the photograph has focused everyone's attention. The photo Biratnagar Fury beat the traffic court young rickshaw driver. Now he should have taken action.
Rickshaw driver kicked the photo fishers became social network ubhairalu Regional Traffic Police Office, Itahari, karabahiprakriya has begun.
Regional Traffic Police Office SP Pawan Giri beat rickshaw driver has started it is wrong to have said that the driver kutnemathi karabahiprakriya. The driver beat the traffic police asking for clarification karabahiprakriya young railtrack Giri. He also sent out circulars to improve the subordinate behavior of all traffic police said.
Giri social network, the traffic police said that public opinion on behalf of the event. According to the Police Act, the police will take action against the driver to beat traffic Office, Morang said Major Dhan Shivakoti. The event has become jammed removal.
Rickshaw driver-way street parking Bypass Biratnagar Fury saw a rickshaw near the traffic police to remove the whistle instead. Rickshaw driver Rickshaw whistle hearts playing. Wind rickshaw pullers to open the old buses in front of the traffic police saw police carry hand injury. Rickshaw driver moved ahead of mine injury lagnegari traffic police kicked and struck the driver remains in busy