Rudra Narayan Chaudhari, who was taken in care after his sweetheart Manisha Gharti Magar, the sister of national football group striker Bimal Gharti Magar, was discovered de@d in a suspicious condition in Nawalparasi last Thursday, has "passed" a falsehood location test, police said.Police Inspector Ram Prasad Pandey, who drove the test on the suspect as a polygraph master, said that Chaudhari was solicited 11 questions.One from the inquiries was whether he choked the 17-year-old young lady to de@th.In reaction, Chaudhari said that he didn't k!ll her.Rudra Narayan Chaudhari, who was taken in care after his sweetheart Manisha Gharti Magar, the sister of national football group striker Bimal Gharti Magar, was discovered de@d in a suspicious condition in Nawalparasi last Thursday, has "passed" a falsehood location test, police said.Police Inspector Ram Prasad Pandey, who drove the test on the suspect as a polygraph master, said that Chaudhari was solicited 11 questions.One from the inquiries was whether he choked the 17-year-old young lady to de@th.In reaction, Chaudhari said that he didn't k!ll her.