Employees no longer accountable to whom?

Kathmandu official trade union elections, the people now learn to be of good governance? Public service delivery improvement compared to the past more likely that more bigrela? The question is now being sarvasadharanavica discuss.
"The government is giving away civil servant official trade union the election. It would delay the delivery of public services are removed How? 'Lalitpur District Land Revenue Office from Lagankhel The interaction on Sunday and were talking to each other.
The official trade union elections do not bring the highest near the CPN-UML general secretary Mohan Ghimire, Nepal Civil Servants Organization of public service delivery a few days, it would be relatively improved. 'Trade Union election worker has been developing a sense of unity. It will appear shocking service delivery, "he said.
The official trade union organization, and added staff to make javaphalehi Federal Affairs and Local Development Ministry Officer Durga Chalisey are confident. The official trade union general administration and public governance subtle purvaprasasakaharuko said. Nepal is printed in the daily newspaper.



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