Deepa Shree Niraula is the producer and one of the lead actress in Nepali movies and Television. She is best known as her role in one of the popular comedy serials in Nepal Television, Tito Satya. She married to script writer Deepa Raj Giri.“WODA NUMBER 6” after “CHA EKAN CHA” directed by Dipak Raj and Deepashree gained nice success. Movie “CHA BHANE MAYA CHAPAKKAI LAIDEU” which is to be made after “WODA NUMBER 6” was also said to be directed by both actors Dipak and Deepa,but actress and producer Deepa is not directing this movie because its script is changed. “When the story of the movie changed I decided not to direct this movie”, said Deepa. This proves that she will direct movie but after sometimes. Now Dipak Raj Giri is coming up with new script in which Deepa will be seen as the producer. Process of completing script is going on and its shooting will start from Chaitra. source :