Here are the most common ingredients of a shampoo that can give you health risks:
1. Fragrances used in shampoo contain a number of chemicals and most of them cause headaches and rashes. Some can even induce coughing and vomiting to a person.
2. Propylene glycol causes allergies. This ingredient can also be found in your everyday toothpaste.
3. Sodium lauryl sulfate can cause asthma attacks. This ingredient also damages a person's hair follicles which can lead to hair loss for some. They are also known for irritating a person's eyes.
4. Diethanolamine can cause liver and kidney cancer. This ingredient can also be toxic to one's brain.
Maybe you are wondering how these shampoos still stay in the market even if it has been proven to cause these kinds of health risks. The regulatory authorities on these kinds of things does not investigate these claims and spends most of their time researching prescription drugs . Meanwhile, shampoos, which can readily be bought in a supermarket is forgotten and ignored.
To take it one more step further, shampoo manufacturers are, in a way, allowed to use different kinds of chemicals for their products. There are no regulations barring them to use popular chemicals which can cause cancer when exposed regularly to a person's body.
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