K Cha- New Prank Video

Talking to a stranger is very awkward on it’s own but popular Nepali pranksters Prankster Revival have taken the awkwardness to a whole new level through their prank. 

The prank is called the ‘K Cha prank’ and in this prank, the pranksters go to a r@ndom person in the streets and ask ‘K cha’. The prank video is $er*iously funny as the expressions of people is very hil@rious and fun to watch.
The first prankster goes up to a person and asks the same thing. The person react nicely at first. They sh@ke hands and talk for a while. But the man starts to act very annoying as he starts to ask the question again and again. The person looses his cool and starts to get very pissed off and that is when he gets angry and starts to use some foul words at him.
Same thing happens to the next prankster. He hoes up to a group of people and does the same thing. They act normal but instantly they start to stare at the man and give him a very awkward look. One of the man is using his phone and he gets pissed at the beginning. He gets annoyed and starts to f!ght with the prankster in a very aggressive manner. The video is seriously funny and hilarious to watch. The video has been uploaded on the official YouTube channel of Prankster Revival.



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