Labor approval now dutavasabatai

श्रम स्वीकृति अब दूतावासबाटै

Raj Dhakal
KATHMANDU: The government has gone for foreign employment of workers labor re-approval of the Nepali embassy in the country is now concerned.

Those currently working abroad after the contract period to another period of the same country again, you want to work in Nepal has come to re-take work. This law leads to increased labor costs and expenses related to the country's embassy to give approval to proceed with preparation tasks.

Is usually: a two-year contract at a time of labor, it is customary to give approval. Some countries have also been approved for three years. But South Korea said four-year contract period is 10 months.

Country of re-approval of the labor law implementation agencies to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Employment mantralayalagayataka other stakeholders has started the task. For this purpose, the relevant ministry has formed uccaadhikari kamitisameta inserted.

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Labour and Employment govindamani Bhurtel labor re-approval of Nepalese workers diplomatic mission of his name, the country started to study the information given day. "The decision has not been, the course of study are," he said. Nepal aunuparda workers labor for approval a requirement stemming from the economic burden is going to facilitate it, he added.

Specifically, Malaysia and Gulf countries for thousands of workers each month for repatriation are being repeated labor requirement for approval. The time will come when it is undergoing many hardships. Likewise, tickets cost a large amount of workers is spent.

Around 30 thousand workers earn a monthly ticket expenses to prevent the unnecessary expenditure of the government to bring in a new system will be implemented.

According to the Department of Foreign Employment five months of the current fiscal year asojasammako 10 months period for the re-work permit requirement for two million nine hundred and 37 workers from Nepal are. They came here only after approval from the Department of Foreign Employment to return to find work.

According to government figures the current fiscal year a million and 11 thousand, four hundred thousand men 8 9 27 women workers who work permit Nepal to come again. May have been a total of 22 months, only one hundred and 82 thousand workers have gone back into the labor approval.

2072/73 fiscal year labor re-approval of holding people receiving state
month number
August 13.553
August 12.752
October 15.070
October 17.624
December 2 9, 631
Dec 24.784
February 1, 9, 871
9 March 2176
March 23.701
APR 22.182
Source: Department of Foreign Employment



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