According to the British magazine The indipendentaka vihebhanda researchers to find out how the first and vihepachi saksualitipratiko activities and think that change comes more than a hundred women is married and asked purusaharusamga. 9 percent of women participate in this vihebhanda people think that might have been the first to see pornagraphi, while 28 percent said that vihepachi porn movie watching.
For men, on the other hand it is exactly the opposite occurred. 23 percent of men and 14 percent vihebhanda first and only watch porn watch porn found vihepachi.
The report also cautioned that this study has been published in seksolajija. The researchers involved in the study looking at the report vihepachi women and for men it Mami see more porn film
Lama said the decline.
Why does this happen?
This question researchers had confirmed the relationship between sex and excessive camhana and pornographibicako saying vihepachi males in society to establish their socio-economic status will be more concentrated as a priority in their sexual fantasies and his partner not only to be told that the initiative to make the connection.