SSP, DSP and 20 inspector resigned four

KATHMANDU, May 27 - Nepal Police Service has been the resignation wave of duration. Even senior official to resign have begun.

Last SSP Subodh Ghimire have resigned. He resigned two years has been the job of the remaining duration. He has been admitted to the police inspector in the next 046 years of service, was likely to be promoted to DIG. But he resigned midway. However, he said given the resignation due to disappointment.

So last month the first batch number 064 to the inspector Deepak Bhandari had resigned from his job two months ago said DSP Thapa anandajanga. Casey's resignation DSP Kesh Khem, Widower Gautam and Dhan are Kathayat. Daily News is a new magazine.

According to the Nepal Police have decided to give the police every day, five hundred and 11 in the 11-month period, 14 have resigned. Of which there are four DSP and Inspector 20.

Similarly, 111 and 346 of the Police Sub-Inspector of Police Assistant Inspector of Police Headquarters said his resignation. Most police constable resignation Airpsan are. About 11 months 52 9 constable, three hundred and 99 young and 44 offices also dropped collaborator jobs are lost.



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