Media NP, Kathmandu, June 23. A month later he was going to lookthe Nepali movie 'marinako singer singer has been accepted for the competition. The movie producer Shyam Aryal person who is chosen according to the competition will be an opportunity to sing. Potential new singer gayikalai opportunity to develop a competition aimed at.
'You are my every joy, you are my life,' sang the song competition will be made and who will be given the opportunity to sing in films Arrest excellent sing. Social stories will be constructed based on the movie of the director Anup Giri are manufacturer of Ratan Thapa.
The Aryan Sigdel, the glory of the hill, rain Raut, Paras Thapa, coordinator acting reputation Shyam Aryal media to stay informed NP. According to the film, Arjun Pokharel, Sushil Rajan, the message will Subedi music.