Virgin claimed that the day after the marriage the husband left his wife

Media NP, Kathmandu, 1 9 May. Miss Maharashtra, India claimed that the marriage the husband wife have left the next day. Panchayat with these men over to his wife, the accused is learned.

The man's wife to break with their proposal, recognizing community leaders commanded the Indian media by media reports.
Maharashtra nasiva race village community leaders newly young Virgin (Virgin), or absence of a trend that is set.

To check the absence of a virgin or community leaders to spread a white cloth to the sexual contact is directed to. After sex, divorce, the woman in white cloth and some target extracting virgin was no conclusion.

The newly married woman and her mother against the regime decided to prepare a complaint at the police though they have stopped the girl's father. After preparing a complaint to the police kept under house arrest, said a mother and a week



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