Young went missing 23 different countries for employment

Dhading, 25 May. ICT for employment in various countries through 23 are missing youth. Before going abroad in search of work due hired young unemployed, deprived of a notification by the company after work and go abroad secretly are missing. Twelve Malaysia, four in Kuwait, Saudi Arab katara two by two in Syria and one of the missing information and consultation center in Georgia, said Dang.

Immigration safe operating Chandra Sami project under the Integrated Rural Development Society SIDS Information and Counseling Center Dhading nivedanaanusara they had to go abroad are missing.

The missing five VDC of Dhading northern region in order to be on the rise. Jharlana, is reached, sertuna, re,, kumpura, Tripureshwore, Machekhola, diarrhea, Naling, dhuvamkota, tasarpu, Salyantar including the VDC and municipality to go abroad and disappeared in the azure Sami Ganga project, program coordinator, said Subedi.

Family members of missing family members, to deliver information and counseling centers, said that complaints had. District Administration Office, near the Swiss government support for foreign employment information and counseling center has been set.



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