Romantic, romantic and enticing them
After the wedding, honeymoon or go somewhere that Ray had heard. But, honeymoon hot stuff was not keen and did not pocket money. So honeymoon Observed at home.
1 9 years old in 2032 year on March 22 is my wedding. Observed honeymoon home. But nowadays that is not all that's happened between us as he was, but everything is very romantic, romantic and attractive kind of happened.
41 years ago it was customary for relatives to marry a girl istamitrale khojidiekai. Before my marriage and love are erenja. It is this love that our marriage Pa ¥ downs yet it is not a slogan.
Love between us is very deep. My wife Sita KC honor for me, she pujaniya and dhoganiya. My job, career, behavior is not any thing to stumble. Why slow slow as ice? Where now doing? In the morning there was a pocket of Rs 15 thousand of yours?
I have never heard such a question is not. Many of them believe me. I can not imagine that such a spouse of dishonesty. So far in our deep love and honeymoon continues. While we fully turn into, in the course of the program in different parts of the country and abroad have reached. Now, the US, Canada, and Russia has to be thinking. He also rotate fully daddy time.
Our culture is not culture, but also called honeymoon anyway like bibber. It is more important to think erenja marriage. We are happy at home, honeymoon persuade our life.
I also like Valentine's Day. Culture wherever it is free for love. These days, we take as a positive.
He Exclaimed my favorite Valentine's Demma, sentajasta that gives gifts and sweet food feeding. I ring, tapajasta to give him a gift.
My son was married last year. It was a little pocket money. He honeymoon honeymoon sent them know never wavered.
Singapore and Malaysia, and gave them vivahalagattai honeymoon gift package. They returned eight days there living. Pokhara, Jomsom, also turned in Dhulikhel.
Even though we celebrate honeymoon ahilejasari demand of time as it just means, feast your eyes on, gulping. That's chorabuharilai am also encouraged to celebrate your honeymoon.