Today, love purvakumariko

KATHMANDU: The main story purvakumariko love life made movie 'gajalu' Friday being displayed. Purvakumariko romance due to calacitramathi kumarighara and Newar community objected to this idea was received some time in the media space. However, building an independent party that said it.

Kumarigharaka official 'Welcome gajalule raised by the construction party claimed that the plot. Padadhikarikarile kumarigharaka Wednesday after watching the film their reactions made himself excited manufacturer Rohit Adhikari said.

"The movie is nothing controversial topic," he said, "gajalu dose of entertainment even hopurvakumariko biography has claimed that there is a film about kumariprathako. Purvakumarisamga superstition that marriage is evil and fight the fight when the main story of the movie.

BC Hem Shrestha directed the movie actor precious KC and the main role in creation. Former Miss Nepal Shrestha created the first film is that it is the fourth value.

Precious previous movies have not failed. This is the third movie is directed by CBI precious. Earlier, CBI anamolale the direction of acting 'Hostel' and 'Jerry' were both hit.

Hemarajale this movie as the main artist of the last generation of artists and creations with chananamola chose to honor this film Pahari, Salon Basnet, Maneka high, Hrithik Samuha are acting.



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