Aajakae Horoscope / 2073 Senior 14 on Friday

today's calendar
aajako rashifal
aajako rashifal

BS 2073 Senior 14 on Friday accordingly e. NO. May 27, 2016,

Samvatsar called benign, Sake: - 1 9 38, Sun solstice, summer, nesam : - 1136, (vachalaga)

Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal Sunrise: 05:06 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: At 06:41 pm

Kathmandu, Nepal Sunrise: 05:12 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: At 06:51 pm

Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal Sunrise: 05:16 o'clock in the morning and the sunset: At 06:57 pm

Senior waning Panchami date, morning 05:17 am, and genitive date,

Hearing constellation, madhyaratripachi 01:48 pm, then dhanistha Constellation, the moon Capricorn (three- widespread),

Brahma Yoga, evening 0 9: 22 pm, and aindra yoga,

Vanija Karan, in the afternoon 04: 4, 9 pm and visti (Bhadra) Karan,

Anandadi Yoga: smoke, candravarna: black, candradisa: South, yoginidisa: South, varasula: West,

The next 3 days, the holidays and celebrations and good muhurta:

Tomorrow holidays and celebrations: Republic Day, dvipuskara sum of 1 night congratulated 2 minutes, Everest Victory Day

July 16: Laba fast, Gorakhkali service,

today's Horoscope
Aries (Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, take, take, a) -

Hakim, a parent or a specific person's heart can make affected. Work or businesses associated with any concrete results will appear. Your entire enterprise and hard work will get a good return. Amphubhanda senior personality or very good relationship with the observers will remain. For today subhaanka 6 and subharanga clean and bright, if a subhakarma before traveling to the east or today, at least 11 times the chanting this mantra Namah sum sukraya the start of benefits.

Brsa (E, A, A, O, Ba, B, W, Bay, Bo) -

No long-distance travel is beneficial if good today. Social responsibility is the time to bear. Charity and religious sectors will invest better. Editing work will be blocked. The new work is the opportunity and the responsibility to make the hand. Studies also will be good progress. The economic aspect is strong. For today subhaanka 3 and subharanga pink if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 10 times today to inquire chanting this mantra Namah angarakaya the start of benefits.

Gemini (the, that, Ku, d, e, is, the, the, uh) -

The body will experience dizziness and tiredness. Money, religion, and the potential harm to fate. Do not do any more time to practice. Saddened to hear the case when unpleasant news is coming. Into your personal approach seems to be the opposite. Adverse time is surrounded, control may be. For today subhaanka 5 and subharanga purple or yellow if no prior subhakarma or before the journey today at least 9 times chanting this mantra Namo bhagavate vasudevaya the start of benefits.

Carcinoma (hi, i, o, is, da, de, du, de, do) -

The time has come rasaranga and entertainment desires. But the pressure of sap and vyavavayako pranayaprasanga relationship and marriage may seem normal moisture. Children's activities somewhat grudgingly. Enjoy the journey may not be as expected. Strictly control again. The economic aspect is strong. For today subhaanka 3 and subharanga Sindure red if no prior or journey subhakarma before at least 23 times today, huh hanumate Namaha mantra chanting the beginning of this benefit will be received.

Singh (in, Mr. Mu, May, Mo, Ta, T, To, Te) -

Heart will be widespread unrest and disturbed. Helping Hands can go back. Travel may be unnecessary and annoying. The mind will go squandered. Poor health. Not even the expected benefits abroad. Rnasapati linadina not friendly today. Family life will remain desperate. For today subhaanka 6 and subharanga subhakarma white if no prior or before the journey at least 11 times the chanting this mantra Namah sarasvatyai today the start of benefits.

Virgo (toe, W, p, m, j, o, l, PE, Po) -

Minor problems can be focused on the descendants of the sides, but the satisfaction of his actions and his future will be bound bhainecha ghotlina about. Writing, publishing and store knowledge sector is given more or less time. Concerned about a lack of intellectual and creative skills to make from it. For today subhaanka 2 and subharanga white or ghiuranga if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 21 times this mantra chanting Om Namah Shivaya today the start of benefits.

Libra (and, Ri, Rs, Re, crying, so, those, Tu, Te) -

Family stalled the work will inordinate time. Due to lack of critical ability in mind visible impatience volatility has come. Chores around the tooth is better than another, friend, partner, and not with relatives. If a new survey would be knowledgeable or good cooperation in the nobility. For today subhaanka 5 and subharanga subhakarma yellow if no prior or before the journey at least 1 day brm brhaspataye Namah 9 times chanting this mantra of the early benefits will be received.

Brscika (then, not, free, Nu, has, no, or, these U) -

Brothers and bandhubandhavale are able to help. Even the satisfaction of a career or business will be. But it is likely to persecute the old maladies and problems. The dispute may be things of the past kotyaunale households. Social work which not, however, be involved in religious and spiritual activities is good. For today subhaanka 8 and subharanga smutted if any subhakarma prior to or before the journey at least 18 times today chanting this mantra Namah ram rahave the start of benefits.

Sagittarius (this, this, dirty, tenant, terrain, th, F, V, unjust) -

Meanwhile, the amount of time and skyrocketing revenue growth. Agriculture and livestock to take advantage of, so take advantage of the abundance of the sum is even abroad. The work will be a good advantage. Would fare rate. Studies will progress. Dessert food is the sum of the opportunity. For today subhaanka 9 and subharanga dark red if any subhakarma before traveling to the east or at least 9 times chanting this mantra today namascandikayai the start of benefits.

Capricorn (Vaux, H, G, khi, ON, game, lose, singing, Gear) -

Mitravarga and allies can not give with your heart's desire. It may take a long time to finish the work older and blocked. New hope we can make the heart, in search of new work will be keen mind. Speech, temperance might, for your thoughts, feelings, and will respect the wishes. For today subhaanka 7 and subharanga subhakarma black if no prior or before the journey at least 23 times this mantra Namah sanaiscaraya Sceptics today and start chanting of benefits.

Aquarius (Th, Gay, Go, which, si, su, from, the, d) -

The twelfth house, due to the expense of the moon should be controlled. Durgamasthana and remote trip is likely to be good, but avoid unnecessary trip. Imagine and feel kendita is irrelevant. Unlike speech may mean, mouth, keep control. You will not be too friendly family atmosphere. For today subhaanka 4 and subharanga yellow or pink, then a subhakarma before traveling to the east or today at least 9 times chanting this mantra Namah mahalaksmyai the start of benefits.

Pisces (the, suffering, y, i, j, give, two, cha, Chi) -

Enthusiasm and excitement will receive the body. Yoga also has the benefit of a strong will and the work of health. Animal husbandry and agriculture sector is the sum of the best succeed. Progress will be cultivated. Intellectual competition bhainecha victory, will get new knowledge is the sum. Beelzebub, the blessing stopped guiding the work. For today subharanga subhaanka 3 and red if it is the former or the journey before any subhakarma Ganjam today at least 21 times the chanting this mantra Namah ganapataye the start of benefits.

(Note: This calendar sunrise, sunset, date, star, yoga, karan beginning mentioned samayadi Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal Latitude: 26: 40 North and Longitude: 87: The 16 East and Nepal set national time based upon suryasiddhantako using computed, as well as horoscopes, writing daily motion of the moon, the moon, the Saturn and Jupiter vision, vedhasthana and has been calculated to make the opposite vedhasthana)



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