Action would kharel?

Nepal's new constitution is the equivalent of all races and classes. On the basis of race or the presence of any kanunata not to hate, not to untouchability. The law is the way to napaimne discrimination is mentioned, but, unfortunately, the law has remained only on papers that law-abiding law enforcement efforts of the past are black. Their main goal is social discrimination heinous crime, even though it is the protection of the name of tradition. After all, these special class of untouchability remove it or benefit from it? Their lack of discrimination is worse? Do not harm any class discrimination abused. It is a social stigma of racial discrimination. Try to save it as c ¥ this, so that society can harm others. But it is a couple of feudal society and to remove discrimination vramhanavadi mind whenever thinking of those that have an illusion that it is an unmitigated disaster kicla demands. The bhramabaheka nothing
.Gopal Baraili

Context Koshi Zonal Police Chief SSP Pawan Kharel is. He was drafted where they are official, there are laws to protect the place. He spoke just said something quite different, and criminal. Discrimination law punishments for those who have said. Now whether or not he should be punished? It is clear where it came from as he is the removal of untouchability. The Dalit community, he always carried a limited number of slave manisakata We should hang on to practice? He who is? Whether the Nepali? Nepalese Dalit community, whether? He was that law are law-abiding anti? He said the state laws are conflicting why he is trying to protect? The Dalit community to support them can not be paid? If there are three Dalit community, he paid tax to avoid being humiliated and his family still continue to support close and Dalits who gave him the right to beg that?

Nepal's constitution and ethnic discrimination and discrimination (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2068 Nepali society appealing and religion is against, the constitution and the laws in the major implementers person, democracy, human rights and social justice as in its personal theme by creating get you a Brahmin family in such an expression of the . So much so that he had to maintain harmony Panchayat tatlina accomplished, Nepal eternal religion and culture shifted from the public to protect the Constitution and laws, such as auto-off to be contrary to the Constitution say about the state of the action Kharel life? He is the highest authority of the kingdom belongs to those things that deserve to sit down? The rebel leader was eating salt as an expression of the government that are not day?

Racial discrimination punishable by the current constitution is agreed. Racial discrimination and chuvachutajanya crime laws punish the many articles section has been added enrolled. Racial discrimination or discrimination (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2068, or a person who Racial Discrimination in accordance with the three months to three years in prison or a fine, or both penalties ekahajaradekhi 25 thousand rupees law. This law of the state is made. Follow it to be the first work of the Kingdom. But ironically, one of the state organs working, it is also responsible for the police to deliver the kind of ethnic discrimination adhikrtakai it from giving legal expression of the chronicles of ridicule. Zone around the police, the police command office and the entire unit is an individual, the same behavior and the presentation of such a disgusting when people whose faith? It is a remarkable thing.pawan-prasad-kharel-ssp (1)



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