New Delhi - The Federal Courts Forum Secretary and MP Abhishek Pratap Shah and in various Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh today called on Thursday. During the Madhesi movement and a special communication concerning Nepal-India relations have been.
MP Shah, Madhesi, Dalit, indigenous peoples, including indigenous speak against the federal government for 15 days also heard movement centered Kathmandu: Information Minister Singh were present.
In the past, there has been a chill in the Nepal-India Relationship paristhitile caused by someone not good and it is very negative effects of the MP Shah said they are inclined to improve the crucial initiative.
In reply, the Minister Singh, are discriminated against barsaundekhi distinction aspirations for peace, stability and development should not have said that.
As a good neighbor, he agreed, Nepal and Nepal peace, stability and development are always ready to help, he said. Not to interfere in India never claimed that we are recommending to the Minister Singh said only.
Similarly, MP Shah GULARIYA border because there was no proper management and appropriate management of people suffer in their workplace border khulaidina candle Minister Singh have also urged.
Relationship between Nepal and India have recovered soon people will believe the lion GULARIYA promote border security arrangement will be soon open on a regular basis, and the border said.