Army helicopter program of the party

Kathmandu-long drought, lack of food in the numerous cases when citizens nabalne stove Deputy Prime Minister and the defense minister said military helicopters have been misused to attend the party.
Deputy Prime Minister and Defense vice-UML leader Bhim Rawal, Jumla, Bajura and Dadeldhura four days of his party as well as the school, the temple was inaugurated as raabhibhavaka gathered to participate in general programs are used by military helicopter.

Poly military alliance took 057 helicopter on April 9, ahead of Jumla, Jumla, Bajura party lobbying, and various program was launched.

According to police sources, Raval 9 Ramrosan dasapalle sokatako School building was inaugurated on the same day and had been involved in the program Dadeldhura UML convention city.

10 On the morning achamakai lungrako creative school inaugurated a new building program could not live helicopter was successful only once headquarters to return the next time. The same day, the third representative council Ramrosan Rawal UML was inaugurated.

Similarly, the same chopper came to Rawal bajurasthita 11 on the opening session of the CPN-UML had badhimalikako city.

Minister Rawal 12 VDC was inaugurated on achamakai Marcu and his ancestral village of the same day, the temple's inauguration and the inaugural gathering of the public guardian campus Bayalpata military helicopter, according to the police source said, using engagement.



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