Authority illegally kept in custody, saying the Supreme Court habeas corpus writ filed santaddhara Kanak wife -

Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority Kanak Mani Dixit her husband illegally kept in custody, saying his wife Shanta Dixit, today, the Supreme Court has filed a habeas corpus writ petition.

Transport Cooperative Limited share Kanak Mani Dixit Commission Chairman NRB legal process and arbitrary manner, without any decision ¥ Yai illegally pursued and imprisoned research is mentioned in the writ petition.

Kanak Mani Dixit on behalf of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority and his wife, created a special adalatalagayatalai opposition filed the writ did.

Earlier, on May 12, on the Special Court for investigation Kanak Mani Dixit, President of transportation share to 10 days in jail was allowed. This adds to the charge of amassing wealth authority on April 10 Dixit was arrested.

Chase Bank account in the name of Dikshit, USA 17 thousand 208 US dollars, in the name of Mrs. Shanta Dixit ecaesabisi Bank of England and the United States US $ 68 thousand 9 26 Apple British currency Bank study found that four thousand 126, the authority is claimed.



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