I was shocked dilemma. Married friends, but at home the same allergies nabaseki marriage advice. I asked her to make the same advice bhitraem home. 50 years ago this society, a married woman how to struggle and face bhitraumda home, it can only be imagined. But now, longing to enjoy the struggle. Since our marriage tonight binaavarodha. Now, I also felt aging. The struggle was for this that soaked also feel proud. "
No one can stop true love and purnadevi DURGA evidence that says Shrestha love. 55 years of love for so long, it would be held judhaumda both eyes could not have imagined. Shrestha of culture darsanadasa full durgalalale sister for the first time he had seen his own house. Durgalalale wrote the song had planned to fill darsanadasale music. This work, as their eyes DURGA darsanadasako home were conflicting. Then, as today, there was an atmosphere of boy and girl. At a glance in love with this couple to one another by sight, bujhaunupathryo hurt. Tole same way these two were attracted to the opposite sex is lacking.
DURGA full house to see a friend coastal bhrguramako. For twenty-complete activities bhrguramako could see better. His charm and love durgalalale wrote hundreds of songs. Durgalalale liked to see a sathimarphat himself to ask her to advise her purnale. Durgalalale house counsel. But the race chanting Durga parents did not complete the hugely. His feet did not dare to stand Bennett durgale full of demons. Then another youth of marriage bring-complete. He was invited to the feast. He joined the feast upon mutumathi stone. He became a dowry so that when you sunijau darkish silver frame, gaesamma eat no impact, and beyond your Hail) that decorated Newari song writing. This song dowry to marry his girlfriend after she could not stay home. He did so durgalalale the same mark with Maiti are returning with.
In terms of the age of 73 mid-body and foot in place caurieki not purnalala purnadevilai much love mate. Baisama not feel full when just further. He is now worried spouse feet dukhera difficult to walk. DURGA very smart and patient wife who consider themselves lucky. Even a few years of marriage itself himjoaja any disagreements they had only love is exchanged. All children grow up, they are continuing their road again boyfriend-girlfriend are lacking.