Even in the name of relief rice SINDHUPALCHOWK irkhuma bhukampapiditale not have. However, on Tuesday in front of their one million 60 thousand kilograms of rice and lentils buried beneath a hole dug in. Earlier sindhupalcokakai Khadichaur and not only bhimatarama KATHMANDU, Dhading and Gorkha, was also destroyed rice.
The World Food Program (WFP), the earthquake brought the rice warehouse in the name of a bookshelf, a veritable pit and bury the order has been continued. On Tuesday, bulldozers dug ditches SINDHUPALCHOWK irkhuma 60 thousand kilograms of rice and dal buried beneath a million. When the rice is served while the surrounding residents were waiting for that. Similarly, the rice had Sindhupalchok bhimatara and Khadichaur also was destroyed.
Earthquake, WFP has distributed some rice godamamai different sanghasansthamarphata bhetimdai has wilted. Since the earthquake relief rainfed rice rotting time WFP had claimed to be.
But, also wilted winter rush sahayogamai Vela has raised questions. The first phase of relief to quake-affected 14 districts of rice and rice after WFP was distributed in 11 districts. In today's Daily News is a new magazine.