The Government! Young sell long?

April 18, 2073- "By working domestically to eat, give ',' government! When selling by youth? 'Slogans, carrying banners and pamphlet were crying young khulamanjama Saturday. They were fighting around 12 young gaze. Slaina one hand, water was offered, so none were engrossed in looking depressed mood. Introduction of these young people, the unemployed in our country.

'Employment and Prosperity campaign for the economic revolution ", an 12-day hunger strike Youth 4 (hunger strike) are continuing. Starting Wednesday, the strike was. A thousand youth across the country with the campaign gave them. Unemployed young people on stage, parks open, signature, and the government should be given the right to ask for their rights.

Seize sunilakumara Chauhan says, "employment hakamai fundamental constitution is written. What is the fundamental duty of the government to do. "He only sold the land environment of young people making the government on Sunday. "The government that our country, the source, not the means, we had to tell bankrupt. Otherwise, our demands must complete. "
A group of young people came to the Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, April 27, at the Singha 6-point memorandum was handed over. "Our demand to the government were given 15 days time. But so far has not said anything, "said the official, Gulmi Gyanendra.

The first demand of the memorandum yogyata, ability, skill and efficiency according to guarantee a job to do. Employment and energy demand in the second state educational qualifications, ability, skill and art, by providing a certificate as collateral and loans at subsidized rates of self-employment has been mentioned to make an immediate environs.

Similarly, the third demand of employment or self-employment of youths that were not able to live by the case paricayapatrasahita Social Security Allowance (berojagara allowance) of the law is to be. The fourth demand national level player and the artist is called to be a special law.

The fifth demand and strike, wheel jammed and locked through legal provisions to ban friendly industry and employment should immediately acknowledged in the law and should immediately make arrangements to use the sixth domestic vessels is mentioned.

Plus all the young people living in hunger strike to have already. Law, Computer, BBA, BA, including the topic of reading. "As long as the government does not meet our demands will continue the strike," Chauhan said, "Our friends are being sick. But we are determined to demand



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