Beer drinking is not a benefit that is found in people's understanding of. But beer drinking is beneficial for our body, it is a study that has been proved.
9 kinds of beer drinking would benefit us to the University of Oregon researchers have said. According to them, they will benefit from the following types:
1. Beer is less likely to deprive the kidneys of the rock. Each day, one or two glasses of beer will likely deprive the rock fall in 40 percent. The main elements of a novel viyarale Yunani Yunani less likely because pisabasamga cast out.
2. Drink beer if hdayaghatabata be avoided. Light amounts of fat and cholesterol in artarima if eating less wear.
3. Also, if we are to reduce the risk of stroke can be beer. Frozen blood oxygen and blood, especially in mind the dangers of not communicating with the right amount of beer if it takes less.
4. Dislocate our body strong and help strengthen the beer that will work. Dislocate strengthening the elements silicon, which is the most abundant beer.
5. Diabetes patients considered beer very beneficial. A glass of beer a day diet reduced by 25 percent the risk of type 2 diabetes will be the name.
6. Aljemeyara or lesser capacity of at least one beer is considered beneficial. It also saves us from being decreased intellectual capacity. The right amount of beer make us keep in mind is that mind circulation of chemical elements that should be a positive effect. The main factor that saves the minds of aljemeyarako silikanale especially aluminum.
7. Suffering from insomnia drug works for the beer that. Low dopamine in mind when he does stress and insomnia. Only one spoon to eat if beer volume boosts dopamine light and joy that a man on the bazaar.
8. A blind man is considered to be immortal night beer. But if the amount is required to be in moderation. When people see the eyes of the bad eye maikrokondriya. To keep this part of the healthy eye of the beer plays a large part entiaksidentale.
9. Beer that reduces the risk of cancer. There were some of the elements of cancer and pain in the body can be used to fight other disease. Hyumulonsa of beer and growth of the bacteria in our bodies rokdachan acid called lupulonsa said and also bamcauchan disease. These factors have cancer, they also control.