A man may kativati wife? All easily say, a. More than one wife brought our law considers a crime. However, GC seeks to hear that men are wife athavati incredible to anyone. Athavati his second wife are now living in the house of the 6 wives one wife.
"Poi wife had two corner sat weeping" This is the famous Nepali proverb among us. But 71-year-old tanabahadura Lingden arghakhanchi jaluke VDC-2 damarabensika wife is still in the same house with 6 wives are expecting. Wife had two more than the house itself is saying that conflict had to be wrong, he said exceptions are made.
Two 71-year-old Pulami athaoti spouse has been passed. Now he has been ginned wife. OT is a logical one and all wives stayed at home, he says.
"Never fight us' Pulami says," All wives are sitting together, I do not have a problem. "He said all the same behavior. "All eyes are equally, I love equally," he said, "for me to be all the same. '
He married his first wife, second wife of 21 years and 54 years of age were bring lots. Though he never said that the burden of many wives is not difficult to eat because there was no great wealth.
Though he aaphule many youth today, many young people not to suggest youth. "Many youth in our tent was a great man 'Lingden said," Now the law is very restrictive because it is not good to marry.'
By kharyana field is his one and a half hundred ropani. The wife are busy. His wife the evening of his gang are. Some brawl, some kutanipisanima then upon any bhansako work. "We are all living together 'khumisara first wife says," There is no lack in love.'
Retiring the old town, without sahimli, the old town manikala, kahimli balisara and younger Sushila told everyone sitting together. They are not strained and titopiro. "We are like children eutaiamaka 'little patnisusilale said,' marilanu of and fight? '
Brother, sister, son and daughter are 12 Pulami 9. Three sons and daughter duioti were not married. He says children are served well. His son, daughter, grandchildren, and all of the 56. Pulami of the village landlord.
His fields yielded a hundred bushels of rice. His six buffalo herd, five yoke of oxen, and goats are 60-digit number. Not enough to buy property because, he says. His four sons are in Malaysia. If you do a Kathmandu store four brothers are home. Five sons are bus separation.
His father had married tinaoti. Pulami sons, one youth suggested to oppression. "Now, modern way to learn to walk, movable old jamanaanusara not in a position," he said.